2025 Budget Raises $125M in New County TaxesSeptember 11, 2024
At the first public hearing on the 2025 PBC County budget on 9/10, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) voted 6-1 to maintain a flat millage of 4.5. Commissioner Baxter was the sole holdout and argued that everything costs more now and with the large runup in property values, the taxpayers could...
The Palm Beach County Taxpayer Action Board (PBCTAB) was founded in 2010 to track and analyze Palm Beach County spending and taxation, and where warranted, to advocate for lower burdens on the taxpayer.
Over the years, the coalition of grass roots groups, political clubs, civic associations and town governments achieved some success at impacting the budget by interacting with the County Commissioners and OFMB staff, speaking at BCC meetings, and soliciting correspondence and phone calls to the decision makers. In recent years though, the activism component was much reduced and the main work product has been a yearly analysis of the county budget.
In 2023, the BCC adopted a maximum millage rate of 4.500, against the wishes of staff who wanted to keep it flat. The rate is down about 5% from last year and 9.4% from the 2022 budget, a positive trend, even though the actual taxes collected are increasing by $100M since valuations are up more. See the above article for details.
We expect to publish yearly updates on budget activity going forward, but the site is now pretty much of a historical archive and will be maintained as such. Click on the "Archive" button below for a complete list of all the articles published since 2010, or use the search box.
Thank you for supporting us over the years.
Fred and Iris Scheibl
Taxpayer Action Board